About Sports Resort


Welcome to Sports Resort. Our business is designed to bring high value/high potential sports collectibles to the consumer at a fraction of the cost. Not only does this bring collectors of all economic profiles together, it provides a high reward without a high dollar risk.

Founded in 1998, Sports Resort has been providing quality sportscards and memorabilia to the hobby primarily through auction house, eBaY. Located near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Sports Resort is a family-owned collectibles house that focuses on providing premium product at fractional cost.

How does the model work? Well, there are several avenues to bring top collectibles to cost-conscious collectors. We frequently host group case/box breaks as well as re-package bulk purchased cards from various high-end brands and seed autographs, rookie cards, memorabilia and inserts at better-than-manufacturer stated odds.  We also have individual sportscards for sale from all eras and from time-to-time sell bulk lots of player, team or brand specific cards.

Most items are available for purchase either through our store on eBaY or via this site. If after browsing, you still find that you are in need of something else, do not hesitate to contact us and we will have customer service get in touch with you to map our your collecting needs. We are committed to making the sports collecting hobby the fun and experiential pastime it once was and hope that you enjoy what we have to offer!

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